The July x And The Table: No Dictionary Definition

Here's your friendly winter reminder that dinner parties make the season cozyier. Picture winter warmth served on a plate, transforming strangers into friends.

Our brand-new dinner series, in collaboration with Samantha Daniele Wolfson, founder of And The Table, welcomes women to dine, share stories, and form connections that go beyond the surface.

"Sam's Dinners" started as a casual get-together for five women who hadn't met before, emphasizing themes and questions to spark the conversation. As the pandemic hit, the dinners paused, only to be revived in March 2022 with the birth of "& the Table."

The journey expanded globally, with hosts in over 12 countries. Themes and questions became the secret sauce, stirring emotions, provoking thoughts, and leading to a space where stories flowed freely.

Instead of big crowds and long tables, the dinner parties are intentionally limited to six guests, ensuring everyone arrives not knowing anyone else. By keeping the number of participants small—usually four to six women—And the Table aims to foster a sense of closeness often absent in larger events. This intimacy allows for deeper conversations and a genuine exchange of ideas and experiences.

So, to you—the seeker of connections, the carrier of stories, and the believer in friendships waiting to be nurtured—welcome to a journey that nourishes, provokes, and redefines what it means to show up solo. All in the comfort of our cozy, spacious, and good-looking rooms equipped for all life activities, including dinner parties.

On to the night! We hosted our first one, and it was just chef's kiss. An evening for women who defy easy definitions. Lives that don't fit into a traditional 9-5 mold, where work can't be left behind at the office desk. There's no dictionary definition for what they do; instead, it's seamlessly woven into who they are. Six women came together to rewrite and question the narrative of how modern women define success, accompanied by an amazingly cooked three-course dinner, crafted by the OG in hosting dinners, Samantha Wolfson.

Question of the night: If you had come up with a dictionary definition for yourself, what would it say? 

Join our second table on the 25th of January for nourishing food, enriching conversation, and the warmth of connections that go beyond the surface. Winter gets more fun when we gather around the table.

Story time

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